Welcome to Horror: Long Island (It’s not a nice place)(Photo courtesy of someone with a camera)
My Response to Jimmy the King
I see these children with their boredom and their vacant stares
God help us all if we're to blame for their unanswered prayers
They roll the sidewalks up at night, this place goes underground
Thanks to the condo kings there's cable now in Zombietown
No Man's Land Lyrics as written by Billy Joel (Long Island Native)
At the beginning of Part II Christopher Loeb was being beaten by Suffolk County cops making around $200,000.00 dollars-plus a year – each one of them – at the Fourth Precinct a.k.a. “il quarto combattimento” (“the fighting fourth”). Il quarto combattimento is located in my town called Smithtown.
Weighty topics were explored in Part II. We studied Long Island’s rich Italian political culture and Suffolk County’s preoccupation with deviant sex and murder. And we examined the rise of Brazilian Drag Queen and Nassau County Congressman/Woman George Santos.
We also discussed how Long Island Cops shoot, beat, kill and sodomize tax paying citizens; or how these cops assist in the murder and rape of tax paying citizens when committed by the cop’s friends. And we learned how important the concept of “Hooah!” is to this story. (Al Pacino (Italiano) kept screaming “Hooah” in the movie Scent of a Woman)
Loeb received a beating throughout Part II. The beating started in Part I. He was not raped … not yet. Hooah!
As we return for Part III Christopher Loeb is still being beaten at il quarto combattimento.
We join the beating of Christopher Loeb already in progress:
Police Chief Burke bashed his fist into Loeb’s face as other cops held Loeb (Loeb was already cuffed to a precinct table) Burke screamed death threats at Loeb, promising to give him a “hot shot” (bel colpo) A “hot shot” is a fatally powerful dose of heroin. The use of the term by Chief Burke implies that a "hot shot" is something that Burke has either done or seen done before. [Like snuff films] When Loeb shot back that Burke was a pervert because Burke kept heinous porn and sex toys in his vehicle – cose inserite nel culo di un uomo durante il sesso (things inserted in a man’s ass during sex) – the police chief’s attack got more frenzied.
“Boss that’s enough, that’s enough,” a detective yelled. Earlier these same cops were taunting Loeb. One of the detectives – Anthony “the torturer” Leto (Italiano) – choked Loeb as he threatened to rape Loeb’s mother. Yadda … yadda … yada. Hooah!
Leto was part of the Suffolk County Police Department’s cult of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (“BJJ”). A bunch of rich cops that pumped roids into their ass cheeks; lifted weights; and trained in BJJ everyday so that they could choke out skinny little druggies while threatening to rape their 60 year old mothers. Part of Suffolk’s tough guy culture. The men that go to my gym – Gold’s Gym in Smithtown – look like war lords from Chechnya (Radovic Nukevekistan). So do the women.
The Tough Men and Women of Gold’s Gym in Smithtown (Courtesy Smithtown Chamber of Commerce)
Loeb settled his civil rights case with Suffolk County for 1.5 million taxpayer dollars. His lawyer – Bruce “Narcolepsy” Barkett (he tends to drop off into slumber mid-sentence … come to … mumble … only to drop off again) – got $500,000 and Loeb got a cool million.
Loeb maintains that there was more money. He says that Barkett stole that money.
The Raccoon Eyes of Bruce “Narcolepsy” Barkett (Photo courtesy of I don’t know)
Anyway Loeb bought expensive cars and drugs – and all kinds of moronic things – and so on and so forth; and burned through that million in months – and now he’s broke … and so it goes.
Months later Chris Loeb had another convoluted encounter with police that caused him to panic. Loeb drove his big $90,000.00 dollar Jeep Trackhawk up on some front lawns to get away from the cops. That’s sacrilegious in Suffolk – messing up someone’s front lawn. During the chase Loeb had an accident with an inanimate object. He ran from the crashed Jeep and utilizing his immense intelligence hid in a patch of trees that was right next to the Jeep.
The Suffolk County Police pulled up to the crash scene, saw the patch of trees and said “hmmmm.” They weren’t going to take any chances with this diminutive strung out drug addict no matter how many gallons of steroids they injected into their asses and all of their B.J.s.
The police waited for reinforcements as Loeb hid in the patch of trees. “If I can’t see them, they can’t see me” Loeb thought. Reinforcements came in the form of the canine unit.
The canine unit turned their huge attack dog lose on Loeb. It charged into the patch of woods. Then came the screams and laughter. The dog mangled Loeb far worse than Burke or Leto “the torturer” did. All the while the Suffolk County Police were laughing as they shouted orders to the German Shepherd – in German – as it shredded Loeb’s leg. Hooah!
That warm cuddly German Shepherd stripped Loeb’s calf muscle right off the bone. I saw it. Loeb now has a permanent limp and walks like an old man. Funny but neither the dog nor its trainer was German. Shouting orders in German just seemed like the NAZI thing for Suffolk cops to do. But thankfully the dog did not rape Loeb.
The cops finally pulled the dog off. Then they beat Loeb. Hooah!
Meanwhile, Suffolk taxpayers fork over an additional $145,485.00 a year to pay Burke’s pension. Burke despite being a convicted criminal – spending his work days committing crimes in pursuit of his personal vendettas and to extort elected officials … and banging hookers … Burke still managed to collect $225,000.00 dollars in unused vacation time and sick leave upon his ouster. Suffolk County law enforcement is the gift that keeps taking from Suffolk County taxpayers who are stupid enough to “Back the Blue.”
If all the above – see Part I & II too – isn’t bad enough the County’s District Attorney – Thomas Spota (still Italiano) – was convicted in Federal Court for covering up his boyfriend Burke’s precinct house torture/beating of Loeb; and covering up the cover up of the torture/beating of Loeb; in a case that District Attorney Spota should have prosecuted. Suffolk voters gave Spota four bipartisan terms: Republicans and Democrats cross endorsed him.
What made Spota so attractive was that he was a Republican who switched to Democrat so that he could run against an incumbent Republican named James Catterson. Catterson was crazy. He drove a BMW sports sedan seized from a convicted drug dealer as his personal work car. In a broadcast interview he flatly stated that he would not “arrest every man that slapped his wife.” He tried to indict the leader of the Suffolk Republican party – his own party.
But Catterson never went after his Irish drinking buddy “Big” John McNamara. That was crazy too. McNamara was a Suffolk County car dealer that admitted during his guilty plea allocution that back in the 80s and early 90s he had bamboozled General Motors out of Six (6) billion dollars in a fraudulent loan scheme. He told them that he needed the money to finance vans that he said he was exporting. But the vans did not exist. He put $422 million of that stolen money into fun things like gold mines and oil businesses.
Big John bribed officials in the town of Brookhaven. He did this to get approvals for his vast real-estate developments that cut down the beautiful Pine Barrens. The Pine Barrens were replaced by houses filled with idiots and golf courses filled with miscreants.
The bribes consisted of cash, below dealer cost cars, free repairs at his Port Jefferson dealership – which was right up the street from Catterson’s bar called The Printer’s Devil – and free rental cars. He also made cash contributions to various political campaigns that he regarded as bribes. Big John specifically identified the following Brookhaven departments as benefactors of his generosity: the Town Board; Planning Board; Zoning Board; the Town Attorney's office, as well as in the highway and building departments. Big John also bribed the Port Jefferson Planning Board and an employee of the State Department of Transportation. He was a huge financial supporter of the Republican Party in Suffolk County in general.
This all sounds like normal legitimate business practices in this Trump day and age. But back then the U.S. Attorney’s Office called it a "colossal Ponzi scheme.”
Frank Faber, Brookhaven deputy town supervisor and commissioner of finance was disconsolate about all this. He said he hoped any investigation would proceed quickly: "We're here to run a government, and we'd like to get back to doing just that." Hooah!
Big John did this before Bernie Madoff stole his first nickel. He was the father of modern Ponzi schemes and modern business practices. You see you fucking ingrates – Suffolk isn’t just about serial killers, murderous cops and Nazis. We invented the modern Ponzi scheme.
But Catterson stood by quietly and did nothing even as people told Catterson “you better do something.” Here’s the crazy part. Catterson did nothing because John McNamarra was a fellow Irish Catholic. (McNamarra was the son of an Irish immigrant who was raised in Port Jefferson, Suffolk; and Roman Catholic) (Catterson’s ancestors hailed from Donegal, Ireland and he too was Roman Catholic)
Catterson prosecuted bad cops. Now that was really crazy. He was about to prosecute the Chairman of the Suffolk County Democratic party – Richard Schaffer (German). Schaffer and the cops got together to get rid of the mutual enemy – Catterson. Yadda … Yadda … Yadda.
During the campaign when Suffolk County detectives reported to work their work consisted of campaigning for Spota. Snuff film Connoisseur and current member of the Suffolk County Legislature Robert Trotta coordinated the Suffolk County Detectives’ campaign efforts on behalf of Spota. All of these detectives campaigned on the taxpayer’s dime. They hung up Spota campaign signs. Tore down Catterson campaign signs. Made get out the vote calls, etc. They did the same thing when a guy named Gaffney ran against a guy named Halpin for County Executive. Halpin didn’t give the cops the raises they all wanted. That was the end of Halpin’s career in Suffolk just like poor County Executive Steve “Freddy Mercury” Levy – discussed in Part II. Levy was done in by Spota’s top assistant and right-hand-job-man Christopher McPartland.
Where were we? Oh back to the beating of Loeb …
Two high level members of the Suffolk County Police Department – Burke’s “palace guard” – were amongst a host of detectives that assisted in the torture and cover up: Kenneth Bombace (Italiano) and the already mentioned BJ King Anthony “the torturer” Leto (Italiano). An otherwise great book Jimmy the King lionizes Bombace and Leto as ultra-tough guys … reluctant bad guys … I don’t think so. They’re just the new breed of punk that rides around with American flags next to Nazi cop versions of American flags in the backs of pickup trucks.
The Feds let Bombace and Leto off because they cooperated in the investigation and trials that followed. Bitch snitches that testified they feared what would happen to them at the hands of these really unscary effeminate guys called Burke and Spota. Hell Leto “collapsed” in front of the Grand Jury – meaning he sung like cheap tart. And so on, etc. Yadda … Yadda … Yadda.
Bombace and Leto make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in pensions from Suffolk County taxpayers just like Burke. Their pensions range from $110,000.00 to $121,000.00 dollars per year for doing nothing which is doing better than what they did on the job. According to Suffolk’s contract with its police unions a cop can become a serial rapist/killer of nuns. Be convicted. Fired. But that cop still gets to keep its pension and cash out its sick and vacation pay.
One of the federal prosecutors in the cases against Burke and Burke’s District Attorney’s Office accomplices is a man named Ray Tierney. Bombace just happened to be Tierney’s brother in law. Tierney’s sister would never approve of her brother going to prison. So although Bombace was as rotten to the core as anyone else he got to double skate – full immunity for Bombace for so many dirty things it couldn’t fit in a thousand books. He now runs “Global Threat Solutions.” Not a video game. An alleged high end security and investigative company. Bombace aspires to be a Congressman and purports to run a charity for war veterans. I see no reason why he will not be a Congressman. Another George “FemBoy” “FagMan” “Homo-Faggot” Esteban Santos.
One of the worst bad guys – Chief of Intel James Hickey a.k.a. “rat man” – also had to go free. Hickey, with the help of other cops used to beat confessions out of handcuffed prisoners. The pressure of a federal investigation caused him to go literally insane. He saw lizards in suits walking around his neighborhood or driving Cadillacs reports Jimmy the King.
Hickey’s son went to school with my son. Hickey was the most poorly behaved parent at basketball games that I ever saw. Yelling at the kids. Cursing. His wife was worse.
Anyway Hickey was Goebbels to Burke’s Himmler and Spota’s Hitler. But if you prosecuted Hickey a big part of Hickey’s defense would have been “Hey Ray Tierney – why aren’t you prosecuting your brother in law Kenny Bombace.”
Ray Tierney is now a spanking new District Attorney in Suffolk County ushering in a new age of reform just like they said about Spota. Meanwhile Snuff film connoisseur former S.C.P.D. detective and current Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta (still Italian) takes credit for putting the case together for the feds. He says he’s the man that brought down Burke and Spota. (Loeb says he was the man) Trotta was like a nephew to Spota but Trotta got upset when he was removed from a federal task force. It meant less pay. Trotta collects a six figure police pension plus a salary from his job as a Suffolk County legislator where he rails out against how much cops are paid.
Trotta – as the Suffolk County Legislator and not the cop – also likes to physically rough up county workers when he is not sexually harassing them. As a cop he did brutal things like beating, flaking or shooting citizens.
Another degenerate named William “Pompous Ass” Madigan – Chief of Detectives – was also involved in the coverup of the Loeb massacre. He got full immunity for testifying against Spota and Spota’s right-hand-job-man Christopher McPartland. (I only talk about Madigan because of his assclown picture – coming up soon) Now Madigan makes a fat six figure pension too and he advertises himself online as a security and constitutional law expert – he got to keep his law license.
A bunch of other Suffolk cops who hid Burke’s anal toys: dildoes, anus balls (“gom gom balls” a retired NYPD Detective told me), plugs and beads … and lube … all the stuff that he liked jammed up his ass – all kept in “greasy plastic bags” according to FBI reports; they also hid his really nasty porn (coming up) and aided and abetted the beating of Loeb. It is accurately reported that they got promotions and made well over $200,000.00 dollars – as high as $268,000.00 dollars in 2020. Even the lowly probation officer got bumped up to $96,000.00 dollars for 2020.
William “Pompous Ass” Madigan – Former Chief of Detectives of the Suffolk County P.D.: He’ll hide your anal sex toys (Just look at him)
I don’t want to look up what they made in 2021-2022. I don’t want to get physically ill. They’re all getting paid from my property taxes which comes to $12,000.00 per year. A thousand a month to pay those depraved anal reprobates and hundreds like them.
Tierney and Trotta are ushering in a new age of reform in Suffolk County. Oh I said that.
After the prior Commissioner – former Eastern District Federal Prosecutor Tim “Rubber Face” Sini (Italiano) – went from Police Commissioner to District Attorney where he was supposed to police his former cops … Suffolk got a brand spanking new Police Commissioner. Sini would never have become District Attorney without the support of the Police Unions which support he got by dropping a fuck load of internal affairs investigations against cops.
Anyway this brand spanking new Police Commissioner was also a former Fed – as in FBI Agent (Big fucking deal) – from the vaunted corrupted Eastern District. And it was a woman so Suffolk was going to get the compassion that only a female could bring. Her name is Geraldine “Passionate” Hart. She was going to solve the Long Island Serial Killer case and bring transparency to the corruption riddled Suffolk County Police Department. She started in 2018. Then in April of 2021 Suffolk was shocked to find out that Hart was leaving her job as Commissioner of one of the nation’s largest and certainly the best paid police department. She left to become the Director of Public Safety at second rate Hofstra University (a commuter school) – where I got my law degree. Talk about self-demotion.
The inside story was that Hart had grown tired of the misogynistic treatment she was receiving at the hands of County Executive and all around snake Steve “Good Fellas” Bellone (Italiano) and Bellone’s cast of perverse political allies like Lindsay “Deviant” Henry. (Some of whom are LISK suspects)
But I know the real story. And now so will you.
As it turns out Commissioner Geraldine Hart may have been a bit too passionate when she started banging Suffolk County Police Department Chief of Detectives Gerard “The Chin” Gigante (Italiano). Gigante was gigantically corrupt and he too unexpectedly resigned in May of 2021 at the same time that Hart left as Commissioner. When Gigante resigned he was under official investigation. One of the problems with Gigante was that he was a racist who refused to promote a highly qualified Hispanic detective. Instead Gigante sought to promote his nephew Salvator Gigante (Italiano) to the same position.
When enemies found out that Hart and the Chin were fucking each other’s heads off – well it kind of got uncomfortable for holier than thou Hart. (If I bang a ton of women I’m the bomb. But if a woman bangs a ton of men – especially her subordinate; well she’s a “whore.” That’s conservative America) Anyway enough of this lecture: Without Hart protecting him the Chin took his gigantic six figure pension and said “hasta manana baby.”
Well we tried a woman Police Commissioner. Next came an African American man.
Commissioner Rodney “Uncle Tom” Harrison. He’s Black and from New York City. He was well meaning but could not get a single reform past the police union contracts. He was about as effective as Joe Biden doing Hamlet. Right now he’s happy with his salary and title. In other words he just doesn’t care anymore. Neither do I. Let’s move on.
And no one has solved LISK.
Anyway, Spota finally – after years – reported to a federal prison in Danbury Connecticut on December 11, 2021. At his sentencing he told the Court: “I hope I don’t die alone in prison” or more poetically: Spero di non morire da solo in prigione (I don’t think so Tommy. You’ll be surrounded by men. But I’m sorry, you’re too ugly to rape.)
Oh no … I feel another aside coming …
A man named Steven Donziger was put in the same prison as Spota’s right-hand-job-man Christopher McPartland. Donziger was put there by Chevron – the oil company – and some corrupt Federalist Society Judges. (Much of the federal judiciary is now corrupt Federalist Society Judges as a legacy of the orange plague) Steven Donziger was imprisoned because he won 9.5 billion dollars in a lawsuit for Indigenous people in Ecuador. Chevron gave them cancer by literally just dumping 16 billion gallons of carcinogenic chemicals – bigger than the Exxon Valdez oil spill – into their Amazon basin drinking water. Many died and are dying. And there were and are ongoing birth defects. And monstrous deformities and so on and on. Chevron blamed it on a poor health system although there was no cancer in the Amazon before Chevron.
It wasn’t really a big judgment when you think about it. It comes to just 59 cents per gallon of deadly carcinogenic chemicals. Each death gallon probably killed thousands of fish, hundreds of aquatic mammals like the rare Pink Dolphin, dozens of land-based mammals like humans.
In any event Chevron was upset. So, first Chevron paid an entire district courthouse – the venerable Southern District to throw out the Ecuadorian judgment. Then they paid the federal circuit (Judge Ellsworth Alfred “Dick” Van Graafeiland’s esteemed Second Circuit) to throw out the Ecuadorian judgment. As the last sordid act they got the same two courts to lock Donziger up for a thousand days.
The United Nations said it was an atrocious “Arbitrary Detention” – bad countries like China do that. Meanwhile the pro-gun and anti-abortion – force them to be born so they can be shot dead in school – Supreme Court found nothing wrong with the treatment of Donziger; and based upon what we know of Judge Clarence “Uncle Tom” Thomas, and Samuel “Sammy the Bull” Alito, Chevron probably bought them too.
This Monkey’s gone to heaven.
But that’s another book called The Genocide Judges where I demonstrate how evil federal judges are. I think I started with good ole Ellsworth Alfred “Dick” Van Graafeiland but there are a ton of other sycophants that sit or sat on the Federal Bench including the Supreme Court.
I gave a fiery speech at Donziger rally on a Friday. The following Tuesday five federal agents and a stupid Suffolk County sergeant were at my front stoop when I answered the door. Raid jackets. Extra pockets for spare magazines. Body armor. They told me that I did nothing wrong because if I did they’d “come another way.” They were sent to scare me. I was so scared I told them to leave and a few incendiary things questioning their manhood and sexuality.
I want to thank The Pixies for the immortal chorus to their song – Monkey Gone To Heaven. I am referring to the line “This Monkey’s Gone to Heaven” which describes the fervent hope that we all have, that when we die, we will all go to heaven.
There was a guy
An underwater guy who controlled the sea
Got killed by ten million pounds of sludge from New York and New Jersey
This Monkey’s Gone to Heaven …
[Monkey Gone to Heaven lyrics © Rice And Beans Music]
On the bright side the whole affair really increased Donziger’s presence on social media. True that … Donziger lost his freedom. The Indigenous people lost the billions of dollars that was going to be spent on cleaning their water … they are still suffering and dying from cancer, etc. Chevron is going after Donziger for millions in corrupt legal fees. And Donziger lost his law license – Madigan kept his. But his followers on Instagram and Twitter went way, way, way, up. I know that because Donziger tweeted, instagramed and facebooked that bit of information.
In fact Steven Donziger made Rolling Stone magazine in 2022. But he’s forgotten now.
Enough of that. I need to get back to Suf-fuck …
To make matters worse … how does it get worse … the Chief of Police – Burke – is a suspect in the string of serial sex killings of escorts. (il capo della polizia - Burke - è sospettato di una serie di omicidi sessuali seriali di prostitute -- Italiano) (Der Polizeichef – Burke – ist ein Verdächtiger in einer Reihe von Serienmorden an Sexarbeiterinnen – German) (tá Ceann na bPóilíní – Burke – faoi amhras i sraith maruithe gnéis oibrithe gnéis – Irish) (Szef policji – Burke – jest podejrzanym w serii seryjnych zabójstw seksualnych prostytutek – Polish) and so on.
This is big news in any language.
Former Police Chief James “Freaky Anal” Burke(Il magnaccia della morte) (“the pimp of death”))(He is not really a tough man; or a nice man)(Photo courtesy of the North American Man Love Boy Association)
Back to the killings of escorts: According to Loeb the snuff film that he found in Burke’s vehicle “starred” one of the approximately 17 girls – we don’t know how many – that contributed to an odd assortment of bodies and body parts. She was filmed having sex and then snuffed. Killed. So that her sex organ could react just like former police detective and current Suffolk County Legislator Robert Trotta will tell you. (We talked about that) A big fat Hooah!
But wait … strapped for cash. Needing a fix. And believing in the free enterprise of fraud – he’s a big Trumper – Loeb made the whole snuff film thing up. (At this point Loeb was not yet raped) The mere mention of snuff films got the Discovery Channel to create episodic podcasts and a television show. Alexis Linkletter and Billy something or other Jensen became cult heroes. And a Long Island Serial Killer (“LISK”) cottage industry of LISK snuff film podcasts, television shows and Internet buzz was born. Copy cats are probably out there right now making real snuff films and murdering escorts because of Loeb.
But aint that America … Little pink houses for you and me.” (John Cougar Mellencamp)
Burke didn’t have a snuff film. That was a very unfair accusation by Loeb.
Burke had a film with the following: underage naked boys that were on their knees surrounded by naked men with big erect penises. The movie showed graphic scenes of men ramming their big erect penises into the boys mouths and asses with much force and vigor. I am informed of the content. I did not see it. There was another with just one young man getting pounded like hell by another older man. That was tame.
The alleged snuff film does not make Burke a suspect because there never was a snuff film. There’s other stuff. See infra. (That’s lawyer talk for we’re going to talk about it in a few seconds) Anyway the Police Chief had some issues, but he’s greatly loved by fellow cops and NAMBLA.
Amber Lynn Costello (not Italian – she kept her ex-husband’s last name) is the poor deceased girl’s name that Loeb claims was in the snuff film. I hung around with Loeb as he tried to lead me on about snuff films and Bill and Hillary Clinton producing snuff films and QAnon inspired nonsense. He brought an assortment of anti-vaxxer election deniers to my office one night. One drug addicted native American that was under indictment for protesting a pipeline on Sioux land in the Dakotas. This caused him to ride his horse across the country. That just made the horse tired. I wonder if a tear drop fell from his eye every time he saw someone dump garbage alongside the road like in the commercials I saw when I was a kid and happy.
Another one of Loeb’s guests – an Italian – was outraged that he was convicted of bringing home a live hand grenade from Iraq. He admitted he did it. He did not lie and say it was a trophy. He said he had it for the coming civil war.
In the past Loeb hit his mother. She had to call the cops on him. Loeb’s former girlfriend a perverted hedge fund VP – a girl named Stevie – told me all about it. Loeb started collecting a referral fee from an assortment of conspiracy freaks by referring them to me for free legal services. The way they tried to hook me was to say that their case was “related to Gilgo.” Assholes.
Amber Lynn was not in a snuff film. But Amber Lynn’s petite rotting body was found where it was dumped – in the costal marsh surrounding the homes of the quaint exclusive beach town of Gilgo Beach in Suffolk. That part is true. She was strangled and wrapped with burlap like three other young women – all spaced about 500 feet away from each other – and dubbed the “Gilgo Four.” They were all similar in appearance. They all advertised on Craigslist and Back Page. All strangled. All wrapped in burlap. “Hey we have a pattern” Suffolk Police reported.
But one of the additional bodies found fairly close by was an unidentified male Asian dressed in female clothes who died of blunt force trauma to the head. No burlap. That messed the whole profile thing up. So Spota came up with the theory that there were two killers. Then more bodies were found that didn’t meet any other profile – body parts … parts of two women found at Gilgo and the other parts of the same women found in Manorville (Suffolk) or elsewhere in Suffolk, and or in Nassau and so on. A dead female toddler too. The toddler was the daughter of a woman who’s arms and hands were found down the highway. Just her torso was found at Hempstead Lake State Park in Nassau County. No one knows where her legs or head are. She’s called “Peaches” because of a peach tattoo that she had on her breast. The peach tattoo had a bite taken out of it – that was the tattoo. Thankfully no one bit part of her breast off.
Then Spota basically said: “Don’t worry. It’s just a distasteful body dumping ground. No one is really getting killed.” And everybody felt much better.
The late Suffolk County Police Commissioner Dormer – a man with an Irish brogue – was also adamant in his positive outlook: “I don’t want the people of Suffolk County thinking that there’s a Jack the Ripper prowling around Suffolk County with a bloody knife.” No late Commissioner it’s much worse. You have Jack the Ripper with an electric bone saw and the Boston Strangler – plus who knows what else – prowling around Suffolk County.
To Dormer’s credit he believed that it was the work of one killer: “Serial killers … they don’t meet in the back room of a diner and trade stories about where they dump their bodies. ‘Hey I got a great place at Gilgo to dump bodies,’” Dormer said. If there are a bunch of dead bodies all dumped next to each other in the same remote area it’s probably the same killer. Sounds logical.
Amber Lynn and the rest were found by accident while police were looking for another poor young woman. The other young woman’s name was poor Shannan Gilbert. Although everything about her says “murdered” the Suffolk County Police Department didn’t want another killer on their hands because Shannan didn’t totally fit any profile … and no one would know what was going on. So the Suffolk Cops said shoyn genug, nit mer rutskhim (“enough already, no more killers” in Yiddish)
One night, May 1, 2010 … it was extremely late … Ms. Gilbert called the police from the home of Oak Beach resident Joseph “The Slob” Brewer. Oak beach is an Elysium of sorts a few miles down the Ocean Parkway from Gilgo Beach. Brewer was Ms. Gilbert’s “date” for that evening. He’s what they call a “John” – as opposed to his real first name “Joe.” A John is one who illegally purchases the services of escorts. That’s illegal in America. You can buy the courts but not escorts. A driver named Michael “Perv” Pak (Korean) brought Shannan to Oak Beach from New York City. They allegedly hung around for five hours in Pak’s Jeep Liberty while Shannan posted on Craigslist and texted with would be customers. Finally Brewer from Oak Beach called at around midnight. Two hours for five hundred bucks. Pak would get $200. That’s Pak’s story.
Gilbert ended up calling 911 from inside Brewer’s house at around 5:00 a.m. She was in great distress. Scared out of her wits. She pleaded with the 911 operator to get the police to her because some men were “going to kill her.” She didn’t want to go outside. Something inside the house had Shannan scared out of her wits. But something outside had her even more scared out of her wits. Or maybe it was what the people inside were going to do outside that had her scared witless. I heard all 23 or so minutes of it.
The problem was that she didn’t know exactly where the house was because she was driven there. Because Shannan was calling from a cell phone the operators couldn’t trace the call. The 911 operators tried their heroic best. That’s as far as the heroism went from public servants.
Shannan ended up fleeing from Brewer’s house. Running. Falling. Running again. All of it recorded on the 911 call with Shannan’s cell on speaker. All the screams – a combination of wild shrieking and “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME” over and over again.
Shannan ran. You can hear her heavy breathing. She knocked on the doors of nearby homes. The people in those homes called 911. Most people were no help. One man talked to her but Pak drove up causing Shannan to flee again to the next house where a middle-aged woman told the 911 dispatcher that she would not let this petite young woman into her home. Oak Beach is exclusive after all. Residents use their “Oak Beach App” to open the security gate.
Then Shannan and her voice were gone forever. (This monkey’s gone to heaven)
Gilbert somehow ended up at the home of a retired doctor – according to the doctor who later recanted his story. The doctor was formerly the head of emergency medicine in Suffolk County and affiliated with the Suffolk Police. Dr. C. Peter “Whacko” Hacket. He entered the picture because he called Gilbert’s mother after she went missing and said some weird stuff about running a home for wayward girls. He said that he took care of Shannan that night.
Hacket is a strange and eccentric weirdo of a man – if Suffolk cops bothered to look up “serial killer” in the dictionary they’d have seen his picture. He likes to show up at scenes of mass death like plane crashes and play with dead and dying bodies. He likes to write demonic things in Latin in a black book. But “he’s a story teller not a killer” according to the hunch of the chief of detectives at the time. (An idiot named Dominic “Brain Dead” Varrone (Italiano))
Hacket’s lying when he says he had nothing to do with Shannan’s death. Pak is lying too. So is Joseph “the Slob” “Fifth Amendment” Brewer.
Speaking of the police they never got there in time to do anything. When the police got to Oak Beach almost an hour later Shannan was gone. Pak had driven off about 45 minutes earlier allegedly to pick up money for an escort service. Nobody knows where Brewer went. All was quiet and desolate like T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland. And the cops just turned around and left.
The Police eventually – after 19 months – found Shannan’s remains in a marsh. You could see where they found her from Hacket’s backyard porch. In fact that’s where Suffolk Cops brought Shannan’s mother to show her where they found her daughter’s skeleton – they took her to Hacket’s porch, pointed and said, "that's where we found your daughter.” A few days earlier they had found her jeans and shoes in the part of the marsh that’s basically in Hacket’s back yard.
Homicide detectives ruled the death accidental. They claim in a fit of psychosis and drug induced paranoia Shannan Gilbert ran through Oak Beach chased by demons that existed only in her own mind. She came to the vast saltwater marsh. Stopped. Dumped her belongings. Then stripped off her pants and footwear right at the edge of the marsh. The marsh was filled with thorny brush that would cut her legs to ribbons. After stripping off her pants and footwear – what everyone does when they run into a marsh – Shannan just ran into this razor wire says the Suffolk County Police. Internet Sleuths have actually said that this makes sense. Good God.
Forget the marsh. What woman stops to strip of her pants and sneakers while running away from someone or something.
In this marsh we are told Shannan promptly died of exposure – on an abnormally warm day in May – or drowning – but there was no water where she was found (about 100 feet from the highway). I know because I have been there along with others who reported the same thing.
Shannan had a broken bone in her neck consistent with strangulation. It’s almost as if Shannan Gilbert unwittingly walked onto the set of one of Loeb’s and Trotta’s snuff films.
The Suffolk County Police Department did a great job of covering it all up. Hacket who secretly confided to people that Shannan was dead from the day she was missing – even though he helped look for her – left the state. He’s in Fort Myers Florida where women are disappearing
Anyway … thing is … we will see with serial killers … that the killer almost always is someone that the cops had in their grasp and then let go; only to find them again many bodies later. Like Ted Bundy; and John Wayne Gacey; and Jeffrey Dahmer; and the Green River Killer, etc. and so on, and so on and on and on.
And just when you thought it was over: there’s poor Natasha Jugo. She was exceptionally knock-down-drag-out pretty. Not an escort. On March 16, 2013 Natasha was last seen leaving her home in Queens Village, NY. She was wearing pajama pants, a hoodie, a robe and boots. Somehow Suffolk cops and the media interpreted what she was wearing as being strange. But that was the fashion rage of the time – a decade ago. I have seen young women dressed like that at the mall. And Nastasha may have just been going to a drive through at Dunkin Donuts or something similar.
The next day Natasha’s wallet was found near a walkway at Gilgo – 30 miles from her home. Police were called. Her car was also found on Ocean Parkway – the Highway of Death – near Gilgo Beach – the beach itself not the hamlet. Footprints from the car led to the beach. Police found her clothes (all or some we don't know) and other personal belongings at the water's edge.
On June 24, 2013, Natasha washed up in the surf and shallows of Gilgo Beach about a mile away from where they found her car. She was found by beach goers with "no signs of trauma." Police identified the body as Natasha Jugo immediately before she even arrived at the medical examiner. That is over three months after she allegedly entered the water back on March 16, 2013.
It does not appear that Natasha’s body was decomposed or fed upon by a myriad of sea creatures.
The million-dollar question – what was the condition of her body when she washed up? The medical examiner did an autopsy. No results of the autopsy were mentioned anywhere. I have not been able to find out a thing about the condition of her body except what I discussed.
If the body was in just decent shape that poor girl was kidnapped, held and then murdered.
Skeletons don’t float.
Some Internet sleuths theorize that the very frigid waters off Gilgo prevented decomposition. They ignore the abundant carnivorous sea life. And they miss the point horribly.
The first thing a dead body does in a lake, ocean or bay is sink to the bottom. Then normal bacteria in the gut eat away at the now dead cells. This creates massive amounts of gases that have been known to cause bodies to literally burst. It is these gases that bring bodies back up to the surface where they float for a period of time before sinking back down forever.
When salt water is around seven degrees Celsius – roughly 46 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit – or colder – the processes that cause bodies to float do not occur. Furthermore there are other complex processes – a literal body fat waxing effect – that prevent bodies from ever rising in cold water. That’s the water temperature at Gilgo Beach in mid-March – about seven degrees Celsius or colder.
Salt water whether warm or cold separates and dissipates skin off the flesh of dead bodies.
In the off chance that a body does rise to the surface in cold water internal processes will once again cause it to sink to the bottom way before the passage of three months.
Natasha’s body did not sit stationary off the shore of Gilgo Beach and then over three months later decide to come ashore. (I suppose weather and currents make it possible but that's an episode of The Twilight Zone)
Science dictates that Natasha Jugo was alive after March 16-17, 2013. Science dictates that she was murdered over three months after her car was found at Gilgo. That she was murdered the day she was found. What happened to her for those three months we don’t’ know.
Natasha’s family made the mistake of telling the Suffolk police that Natasha was paranoid. She felt that she was being followed. The police thought “we have an excuse as to why Natasha’s death was not another murder.” And they ruled the death accidental. “Just another crazy girl that died by the Ocean Parkway at Gilgo Beach near Oak Beach.” The public heard nothing further.
Well let me tell all the Suffolk miscreants this: paranoid people stay home. They don’t go to a desolate beach in late winter. And if you want to extrapolate – for some unknown reason – that paranoid means suicidal (because it doesn’t) even someone like Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) who blew his head off with a shotgun … even Kurt Cobain would not commit suicide by jumping into the Atlantic Ocean at Gilgo on March 16. The water is fucking freezing. It is worse than burning alive. Kurt Cobain would have ran right the fuck out shriveled balls and all; and decided he wanted to live. “I want to live” said Kurt Cobain. “The water is fucking freezing.”
The story died. A complete failure on the part of the media. Newsday. The New York Times. The New York Post. The Daily News. All the local papers. They all failed to do their jobs. Why does the public have a right to know, you may ask? Because the public has a right to know whether there is a maniac out there. That's why.
Like Michael Myers in Halloween LISK came home for Natasha.
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid, and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido
Yeah, hey, yay [You stupid fucks!]
Smells Like Teen Spirit
(Nirvana – Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl)
Meanwhile District Attorney Spota protected the identity of the killer. Spota and Burke literally kicked the federal government off the investigation. That’s the FBI, its profilers and first-rate forensic teams. Especially computer and cell phone forensics. They were kicked off just as the investigation of the murders was making progress. The progress included a theory created by the top profilers from the FBI’s behavioral science people that the killings were probably committed by someone who worked in law enforcement.
In fact Chief “Freaky” Burke even told a Tracy Lynne Broxmeyer that the federal probe into the beating/torture of Loeb was retribution for Burke's actions in removing the FBI from the Long Island Serial Killer investigation.
By the way Burke has shown a varied sexual appetite for women, men and inanimate objects. He used to have his main squeeze and hooker Lowrita Rickenbacker sodomize him – bugger him – with sex toys. One time it caused Burke to defecate all over the motel room. Poor Lowrita had to clean it up. What I just wrote is cheap on my part. It’s all covered in an impeccably sourced book. And years of being skeeved out and semi-impotent in motel rooms have all been vindicated.
But the “pickle joint” stuff I found out myself. What is this about “pickles?” It’s this: There is a rest area near Exit 52 on the Long Island Expressway – almost Smithtown. Gay men would meet up here to have sex in their cars. Burke had an unknown gay man ass fuck Lowrita in the back seat of a car at this “pickle joint” one night. The one stipulation: As the man was about to climax Lowrita jumped out of the car and Burke jumped in to orally finish the man off. It was a “pickle joint” so the man had no problem. I say, “Yuk. Back the Blue.”
Some might wonder where all this gay stuff is going. I don’t want to insult anybody but first of all its true. Secondly, Suffolk County prides itself on being a conservative county full of tough guys. They are obsessed with an alleged invasion of gays and transgender people. But the entire county is really full of flaming homos. So that’s the point. If you want to really insult a Suffolk County male suggest they are one of the letters in “LGBTQ.” Do something about it tough guys.
I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.
They hate “Black Lives Matter” too. I had one former Suffolk friend argue in defense of cops that “Black people have killed more police than cops have killed Black people.” I really don’t trust the validity of that statistic. I have not seen this wave of Black people killing cops. Secondly, there are a lot of Black cops some who have killed other Black people. (How do they fit into the statistic?) Since when have people been keeping score. And if a Black person wrongfully killed a cop where is the justice in exacting revenge on any Black person amongst all the dark skinned people of the world including women and children. The man’s lack of logic ended our friendship.
Of course I was at a typical Suffolk barbecue about 20 summers ago where two neighbors had a heated argument that ended in a very one sided fist fight. The argument was over what would be worse: having a “Nigger” as a neighbor or “a Jew.” (“Jew” always starts with “a” in Suffolk) Which is “worse” is regularly debated in Suffolk.
In any event right now, the Long Island Serial Killer case is the worst unsolved crime in the nation.
What people don’t know – except you and me – is that when they executed a search warrant on Burke’s office as part of the Loeb torture case investigation, they found Gilgo Beach crime scene photos. Specifically, photos of the dead girls’ remains. Burke was absolutely not working on the case so he had no reason to have the pictures. But serial killers love to visit the places where they committed their crimes or keep mementos. For sex killers the mementos relive the excitement of the killing. That’s a nice way of saying that Burke jerked off to the pictures.
Also, people don’t know – except you and me – that Burke used to love to beat hookers. In fact, he beat a hooker so badly in Brooklyn one night that he put her in the hospital. New York City Police arrested him and said, “fuck the blue … this is too much.” Spota had to drive out to Brooklyn to set that right with the Brooklyn D.A. himself. D.A.s look out for each other.
I got the “pickle joint” from shoe leather and talking to the official confidential source of every Burke story ever printed. A retired Italian NYPD Detective. His wife gave me nice cheese snacks as we talked. He chastised my note taking. “Why you gotta take sooo many notes. Don’t you gotta memory.” “Sorry” I said. I got all the rest of the above from insiders – cops.
The Book Jimmy the King says that there is a lack of evidence that Burke is the Long Island Serial Killer. It could be due to the fact that Burke killed the whole investigation that gets the evidence which kind of makes him a suspect.
Also I have no indication that Burke did not kill all those girls either. At first that’s a big so what. But think about it. I didn’t do it. You didn’t do it. Gus Garcia Roberts – the author of Jimmy the King – didn’t do it. Can we say “Burke didn’t do it …” Noooooo … non c'è modo. (No way) We cannot. Non possiamo. Ehi ayyy ... No cosa intendo. (Hey ayyy ... No what I mean)
Spota and Burke also eliminated the Eastern District – a.k.a. – “Feds” from the active gang task force because they did not want them near the corruption; beatings; illegal wiretaps; politically motivated false arrests and malicious prosecutions; mayhem and murder and sex killings – committed by the police and the DA’s Office. As a result, MS-13 exploded in Suffolk County and the bodies of Hispanic teens were spread across the less “affluent” parts of the County.
Para bailar la bamba
Para bailar la bamba se necesita
(La Bamba lyrics © Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Trini Tunes)
All of the victims were good kids working to have a future. No one really cared except their loved ones. BTW La Bamba was written by Trini Lopez and not Richie Valens who made it famous; as well as Los Lobos who covered it in the 80s.
What shines through all of this horror is the big heart of the people of Suffolk County. The mother – Evelyn Rodriguez – of a young teenage female victim – Kayla Cuevas (cute name) – did the following: the mother erected a large religious memorial on her property in honor of her hacked up murdered daughter. (MS-13 kills with machetes) This literally poor grieving mother worked hard to make this memorial have a simple grandeur. And Evelyn Rodriguez turned her grief into a mission. She became an anti-gang activist. President Donald Trump even talked of her during his State of the Union Address.
A neighbor – AnnMarie Drago (Italiano) – did not like the memorial. Ms. Drago thought that the memorial was driving down property values. So she vandalized it. And stole items from it. Tensions simmered. There was an argument between the two women. AnnMarie Drago aggrieved by perceived lower property values got into her car with the express purpose of ending the argument. Ms. Drago ended the argument by literally running over Evelyn Rodriguez – driving her car right over the grieving mother of hacked up and dead Cayla Cuevas. Ms. Rodriguez was now as dead as her daughter. A case of perceived property devaluation literally killing someone. It could only happen in Suffolk. Suffolk is all big shining heart.
Now back to Spota …
This is the same District Attorney that was friends with a horror show of a man that owned a nursing home service. In March 2007, Spota indicted ten nurses and their immigration attorney after the nurses quit their jobs at Avalon Gardens Rehabilitation and Health Care Center in Smithtown – again Smithtown; my town is hell. The nurses were Filipino immigrants that were recruited by the nursing home company SentosaCare of Woodmere. They resigned together in April of 2006, because of bad working conditions and disputes over salary and benefits. Did it really matter? I thought in the United States you could just quit your job if you wanted.
SentosaCare officials met with Spota – their friend – the next month. The nurses’ right to quit – can you imagine “quitting a job” must be declared a right – had earlier been approved by the State Education Department. That is the agency tasked with regulating health care providers. I have no idea why the State had to approve “I quit” – but the nurses covered all their bases.
Nevertheless, the nurses were arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of the nursing home’s clients. The immigration attorney, who advised the nurses of their right to resign – did they really need a lawyer to tell them they could quit their job? – was also charged with criminal solicitation. These were the first such charges in the state, and they sparked an outcry from groups in the Philippines and in New York.
After lengthy proceedings the case reached the state's Appellate Division. The Appellate Division declared that the criminal proceedings were unconstitutional because they violated the nurses' rights to be free from slavery. To quote the Venerable Honorable Ellsworth Alfred “Dick” Van Graafeiland: “No shit Sherlock.”
Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost proving the same point over a century earlier in the Civil War. We have a Constitutional Amendment that is over a century and a half old that says that slavery is illegal. It’s called the Thirteenth Amendment.
Not according to DA Spota and the Suffolk voters who supported him.
Thomas “Homoerotica” Spota: Proud Product of Chaminade Catholic School (He does not believe in the 13th Amendment)(Photo courtesy of the “The Gay Priest Alliance”)
One day it became my job to “dirty up” snuff film connoisseur Robert Trotta. That led me to a man that had much to tell about an unrelated case that made headlines. The case was a staple of true crime television shows and tabloid news the world over: Martin Tankleff.
I spoke with a man named Joseph “Joey” “Guns” Creedon. Creedon is from that Suffolk drop of sleaze known as Selden. West Virginia trailer park trash with Long Island accents.
Before I spoke to Creedon he made numerous admissions to witnesses. These witnesses testified in hearings seeking to exonerate one Martin Tankleff for the murder of Martin’s millionaire parents Seymour and Arlene Tankleff. The Tankleffs lived in Belle Terre. Belle Terre really is affluent. In Belle Terre the people can afford yachts and their mortgages. In Smithtown if they lose their job, they default on their mortgage the following week.
Creedon told multiple people including his girlfriend and their son that he bludgeoned Seymour and Arlene Tankleff – an older rich couple – in their Belle Terre home that fateful early Sunday morning. It was a ghastly murder scene. Smashed heads. Decapitated heads.
The murders occurred when Marty Tankleff was a teenager decades ago.
Creedon boasted for years to a host of people that he killed the Tankleffs. Creedon started admitting to the killings exceedingly early. How early? When he burned his blood-stained clothes an hour or so after the murders – early.
Creedon’s accomplices also admitted to their roles in the murders and fingered Creedon and another one of Selden’s finest – Peter Kent – as the actual killers. The snitch accomplices were a lookout and a getaway driver.
The getaway driver had a mother who was fond of telling everyone and anyone: “that Tankleff kid did not kill his parents. My boy Glenn [Harris] drove the killers” she would brag.
Meanwhile Tankleff languished in prison for 17 years for a crime that he did not commit. He was kept in prison by District Attorney Spota.
Spota had represented the Suffolk County detective – K. James McCready – that framed Martin Tankleff. A man named Jerry Steuerman hired McCready to frame Martin Tankleff to take the heat off because Steuerman had motive and opportunity. As it turns out Spota also represented the drug dealing father and son duo that hired Creedon and his accomplices to kill Seymour and Arlene Tankleff – that would be Jerry Steuerman and his son Todd. It gets even deeper.
The Steuermans were big in bagels and drugs – selling the drugs out of their bagel shop. Seymour Tankleff was an investor in that bagel business. When he found out about the drug dealing, he informed the Steuermans that he was pulling his money out pursuant to the morality clause of the contract. So, Seymour and Arlene Tankleff had to go.
Spota’s law partner Gerard Sullivan was a former Suffolk County prosecutor made famous for prosecuting the killer immortalized by the movie and its many sequels: The Amityville Horror. Sullivan received his fatal dose of cocaine from the Steuerman’s – a "hot snort." Everyone thinks Sullivan died of a heart attack. But what caused the heart attack.
By the way, the Amityville Horror case was really an easy case to prosecute – shooting fish in a barrel. On November 13, 1974, Ronald “Beach Boys” DeFeo Jr. (Italiano) shot and killed six members of his own family (all Italiano) in their house, a large Dutch Colonial house in the town of Amityville – not far from Gilgo Beach. Big Hooah! – for that one DeFeo.
DeFeo confessed to the killings. His defense was the devil made him do it. Rudy Giuliani could have won that case. But Sullivan still needed his buddy Spota to coach a jail guard to lie and say that DeFeo rehearsed his crazy act for him. DeFeo was convicted of second-degree murder in 1975. He died in 2021 while incarcerated. DeFeo will be missed. God speed.
The man behind “The Amityville Horror” Ronald “Beach Boys” DeFeo Jr. – he doesn’t get the credit(Photo Courtesy of the Ford Modelling Agency)
The fact that his former law partner – the Clarence Darrow of prosecutors – died of a Steuerman purchased overdose does not say much about Spota and what the Steuermans might have had on Spota the drug abuser, alcoholic and lover of Burke’s ass.
When I spoke with Selden’s own Joey Guns Creedon I wanted information on Robert Trotta who was at the time working on the joint Suffolk County/Federal Task Force. I was working the Morrison case – also known as the “Reign of Terror” in one of Suffolk’s two Native American reservations – the Poospatauck Reservation. (Every Native American that lives there is African American but I digress) Trotta was part of the fabled “task force” that combined the FBI of New York’s Eastern District with the Suffolk County Police. They busted Morrison for selling hundreds of thousands of cartons of untaxed cigarettes; murder; murder for hire; arson; extortion; gun possession; assault – oh and the charge that got him – tax evasion.
When I talked to Creedon, despite warnings from his attorney, he had to talk Tankleff.
About his many admissions that he murdered the Tankleffs, Joey Guns Creedon discussed a visit by snuff film connoisseur Robert Trotta.
Creedon told me that than Detective Trotta and other members of the Suffolk County Police Force came to see Creedon in Creedon’s driveway where this killer lived with his mother. (Creedon collected an SSI pension for his disability which disability was being stupid)
The cops beat Joey Guns right there in his momma’s driveway. During the beating Creedon was told by Trotta to keep his mouth shut about the Tankleff killings – to stop claiming that he killed the Tankleffs for the Steuermans – or Creedon would face a far more violent consequence ... his death. Trotta had already shot Creedon in a drive by shooting so the threat was deemed credible by Guns. Spota ordered the beating. At the time Trotta was huge with Spota.
Creedon did not like the beating. It was insulting and it hurt. But Creedon took it in stride:
with that thing they threw in the big guns right away to come talk to Joey Guns ... you know what I mean ... I want to keep a low profile. I am almost 50 now.
Creedon then once again admitted to the killing. “When Joey Guns says he killed somebody … Joey Guns don’t lie.”
Bit of a diction problem and he referred to himself in the third person, but I got the drift. About detective Trotta Creedon finished by stating:
Joey Guns can give you a lot [on Detective Trotta]. That guy did a lot of bad things. He kicked down a lot of doors without a warrant. I don't want to talk too much in the open.
Indeed, Trotta did dreadful things. We’ll get to that.
Creedon was able to parlay his fame as the Tankleff killer – that got away with it – into several private security gigs. The wise conservative folks in Suffolk and Nassau felt that a man who bludgeoned an old couple to death as they slept was damn good security. He even got into well publicized scuffles involving gardening tools. More power to you Joey Guns.
Sadly Joseph Sebastian Creedon passed from pancreatic cancer recently. God speed Guns.
Joseph “Joey Guns” Creedon being led out of a courtroom after being arrested for shooting his front lawn with a shotgun (Murderer; Rapist; Victim; Ass; – MORON)(Photo courtesy of Creedon’s mom)
Creedon’s partner in crime Peter Kent found himself in jail – he basically spent much of his adult life in jail for a little of this and a lot of that. This time he beat up his girlfriend who was and still is an escort as of about 8 months ago (if she’s an escort in Suffolk there’s a good chance she’s dead). Kent’s cellmate was a guy named Jimmy.
While in jail Kent told Jimmy: “She’s [Kent’s girlfriend] so fucking stupid. She knows I killed the Tankleffs. She has to know I’ll kill her.”
Kent’s beat up girlfriend – Alyssa – who I bought pancakes for recounted how Peter came home after the killing of the Tankleffs covered with the blood of Arlene Tankleff. Peter’s mom washed him in the bath tub. Neither said a word.
Peter Kent would later often reminisce to Alyssa about how he “cut the mother’s throat from ear to ear.” The “mother” would be Tankleff’s mother Arlene Tankleff. Sure enough crime scene photos and the autopsy report show a near decapitation of this older woman – Arlene Tankleff – who was probably younger than I am now. Funny how I got old.
Anyway Kent would get high. He would hallucinate about the killing like he was surrounded by the ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Tankleff. As he held Alyssa as a shield he would say “I am sorry for what I did … you never did anything to me” – to the ghosts of Seymour and Arlene Tankleff who were digested by worms long ago. And so on. Even the worms are long dead.
Meanwhile Kent was good for a few more murders committed in prison at the behest of guards who responded with favors like more commissary money.
Kent and his girlfriend Alyssa lived in a notorious house on the Long Island Expressway Service Road in Ronkonkoma called the “Blue House.” It was a zombie home like so many in Suffolk. The bank did not want to deal with it. It was filled with squatters. Peter Kent and his girlfriend lived in the basement. One night they both overdosed on heroin while laying down in bed. Apparently that was so common in the Blue House that other residents had Narcan. They administered it to Kent and his girlfriend. Kent came to. His girlfriend Alyssa could see but could not move one little bit – not even her eyes. What a rush. The ultimate high got higher –
To Kent Alyssa appeared dead – eyes wide open in an accusatory stare. Kent flipped. He started to scream as he repeatedly slammed his head into a concrete wall so hard that he fractured his skull exposing brain matter that flew all over poor Alyssa. Big Fucking Hooah for you Kent!
Kent’s family quietly – like the post killing bath – disconnected him from life support shortly thereafter. And Suffolk – the gobbet of sleaze known as Selden more specifically – lost another one of their own. God Speed Peter Kent.
Alyssa had a very connected political family in “Big” John McNamara’s town of Brookhaven – a.k.a. “Crookhaven.” Alyssa also thinks she met LISK. She was in a motel room with a John. He was Hispanic. He wore military like clothes when they were on. After silent sex he just stared out the window catatonic, his middle aged body thick with muscle and sheened with sweat … and he told Alyssa in a thick Spanish accent without a hint of expression on his cold dark face: “I have to decide ... Tell me … do you live … or are you one to die?” Alyssa ran out of the room screaming. She lived to eat the pancakes I bought her. Till next time at least.
That was not LISK. He may be a LISK. Or the next LISK. But he is not The LISK.
We’re going to solve Tankleff – me and you. Nah … It’s already solved.
The there’s Private Investigator Jay Salpeter. He worked ceaselessly for a decade to free Tankleff. Salpeter found the witnesses. Got them to talk. Got them to sign affidavits. All for the total fee of five thousand dollars. He did a great job. Salpeter solved the case. Found the real killers – with Creedon it wasn’t too hard since he told everyone who would listen. And Salpeter made the Spota/Burke hit list replete with scary notes from Burke made out of cut out letters and the map to his house along with a diagram of the interior and so on.
Salpeter freed Tankleff at great personal cost. Spota and Burke exposed Salpeter’s many extramarital affairs to Salpeter’s wife who left him. And if you ever got a look at Salpeter you’d really wonder how it’s possible that some guys can’t get dates in a world where Salpeter had a wife and multiple affairs.
“Racoon Eyes” Bruce “Narcolepsy” Barkett – the most overrated attorney in the entire universe – got all the credit and a boatload of money from the civil suit. Tankleff got close to 18 million dollars from the State and Suffolk County. The overly esteemed Barkett took his share. But hey … Salpeter had worked with Barkett for years. In fact he recruited Barkett to work on the Tankleff case thereby directly leading Barkett to millions of dollars. But Narcolepsy Bruce told Salpeter: “I can’t give you any money. That would be against the rules of attorney ethics.” Attorneys cannot fee split with non-attorneys that much is true, but they can pay an hourly rate to their private investigators. I do it all of the time. The P.I. bill can get high. Thousands of dollars.
Well Salpeter’s book about the whole thing did not sell well. And the co-writer took his percentage of what little money it made. Around the start of the Pandemic Salpeter started drinking in his approaching old age. I understand it. I want to drink too and it has nothing to do with the endemic pandemic. It sucks getting old. What sucks even more is everybody got hit off really well – as in paid – except poor old Jay Salpeter. Poor ole old Jay Salpeter got in trouble financially which is code for he spent more than he made and couldn’t pay his bills.
Predictably Salpeter incessantly hit up Martin “Marty” Tankleff for money because he “needed help … I needed help.” Emails. Calls. Texts. Hey Jay we live in a Capitalist country – your trouble is just that – yours. But Tankleff had so much money now for being locked up and probably relentlessly buggered. The problem was that Tankleff believed in capitalism too – as in a penny not donated is a penny earned. And Tankleff did not respond to any of Poor Jay Salpeter’s attempts to contact him. Tankleff became a lawyer and he was probably too busy.
It got personal. Marty Tankleff complained that the only reason Salpeter invited him to his daughter’s wedding was Tankleff’s celebrity status. And I say: I’d love to hang out with Bruce Springsteen but not Tankleff. All Tankleff did was get framed and be someone’s bitch in prison.
Salpeter countered that James Gandolfini – Tony Soprano – wanted to go to his daughter’s wedding but he wasn’t invited because Poor Jay Salpeter did not want this superstar celebrity to steal the attention from his daughter. He played a tape of Gandolfini to prove it. I heard it.
In the end the most overestimated lawyer in the whole world Bruce Barkett took Tankleff to the Nassau County DA’s Office while he conversed with Salpeter on the phone regularly. The DA charged Salpeter with serious felony offenses. The former cop ended up taking a plea.
Tankleff is totally innocent of killing his parents but is still the “perfect frame,” because Tankleff is, and always was, a cold, calculating, spoiled, little fuck. Juries hated him. And they’ll hate Tankleff the lawyer too if he ever takes a case to trial.
The Tankleffs (Just an average Suffolk family): Mr. Tankleff got his head crushed. Mrs. Tankleff got decapitated. Marty got millions. Jay Salpeter got Butkus/Bupkis (Photo courtesy of Joseph Sebastian Creedon)
There are no heroes in Suffolk.
Chris Loeb: If your son turns out like this kill him then yourself immediately(Photo courtesy of an adoption agency)
Before we leave “Part III” let me leave you with this. Loeb just overdosed again a month ago. He’s alive and he did not get raped while he was unconscious. For a while he lived with a sex crazed pervert hedge fund manager named Stevie – no one will ever understand that sick woman – but it explains all the financial collapses in this country. His current girlfriend who like the hedge fund manager just adores sending nude pictures of herself to everyone – and has “beat drugs” – is about to give birth to Loeb’s child who will not have a chance in hell. (Loeb may have been raped in a Florida jail where he was picked up on outstanding warrants. I have no proof but Loeb’s hero Donald Trump just says stuff too)
When I come back let’s hunt for killers. Deus vanus similis mei. Esse amicus meus. Sic ego solus mortuus sum … that’s Latin … not Italian. Hoc est longum mortem nota ad myself.
And there will be no more cursing or mentions of Donald Trump. But it will get much, much darker. I promise. As I slip away and meet my end. I think I said this is my long suicide note somewhere in this piece. Strike me down I will become more powerful.
Since no cursing or mentions of Donald Trump are allowed going forward let me leave the reader with this:
Sharecroppers …
Suffolk County residents are like White Sharecroppers that lived in the deep south just as the Civil War ended. There was that 1% aristocracy that owned the plantations. Just like we have now. Everyone else was poor dirt famers or worse – Sharecroppers. White trash that were allowed to farm the least productive land on the plantations. In return the White Trash sharecroppers gave the aristocratic plantation owners most of the crops they grew.
During slavery the Sharecroppers knew people that were worse off then they were. People they could look down upon and abuse and rape. That would be Black people. But when slavery ended the sharecroppers couldn’t look down on African Americans any longer because Black folks were no longer worse off than the white sharecroppers. In fact Black folks reminded the Sharecroppers of themselves – just Black instead of White.
It just filled the sharecroppers with rage and rape and lynchings. Some of these Sharecroppers even moved to Tulsa Oklahoma where they were infuriated to find hardworking middleclass Black people living in their own section of Tulsa and living good. There were Black owned businesses and hotels and the hardworking Black folks thrived off each other. So the Sharecroppers murdered those poor Black folks by the hundreds and burned their part of Tulsa to the ground. That was called “The Tulsa Massacre.” The first attack by MAGA on intelligent civilized humanity. More would follow throughout the century plus since then. Especially now.
In 2008 a Black man was elected President of the United States. And the modern day 21st Century White Trash sharecroppers had no one they could look down on anymore. The secret fantasy that White Trash Sharecroppers could all be President one day was shattered by the reality of a Black man achieving something that they knew in their hearts they could never achieve. The 21st Century Sharecroppers also understood that they could never be millionaires. They could never be part of the 21st Century Aristocracy. They lacked the intelligence, drive and luck. They were always going to be poor, cousin fucking, skoal spitting White Trash Sharecroppers getting high on methamphetamine and oxy. And they knew the same was true of their stupid doomed children.
They mostly went nuts and committed all kinds of mayhem and stupidity right in front of this Black President’s eyes who foolishly said things like “when they go low, we go high.” Now we have his timid Vice President as the President.
But some of the White Trash Sharecroppers hit the lottery and became Suffolk County Cops. They have money but they’re still Sharecroppers at heart. And they murder and rape.
Suffolk County residents are mostly just Sharecroppers.
It is my fervent hope that my writings will persuade people to come live on Long Island. It’s a wonderful place to raise a family.
Circa 2020: Sharecropping Residents of Suffolk County (Photo Courtesy of Smithtown Chamber of Commerce)
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